Advanced Worldwide Acclaim“A fascinating story set in China with many insights into the country, written by an author with intimate knowledge of the people and customs. Good reading.” - Mike Saxon, author of An American's Guide to Doing Business in China
“For someone who only reads non-fiction, this fictional debut caught my attention and held it throughout the story. It was imaginative, mystical and magical -— I felt like I was there, and I learned a few things about China -- When can we expect the sequel?” - Paul Niemann, syndicated newspaper columnist of “Red, White and True Mysteries,” USA
“Understanding how business dealings work in China, I found this as powerful writing and kept me on the edge of the seat.” - Willy Haugland, Molda, Norway
“I was absolutely captivated from the first sentence on -- a great story. Cheers.” - Christine Keen, Brisbane, Australia
“Wow! What a great read -- taut, vibrant, richly textured and inspired me as a reader.” - Dilceia Arcino, Puerto Allegra, Brazil
“Very highly recommended, White Ghost in China is a notable contribution for all readers wishing escape into self-discovery. Realistically haunting and magical –- this engrossing read is alive like a dream.” - Ashley White, Las Vegas, NV
“White Ghost is an intense read and a fascinating journey that touched my heart and has inspired me to stay true to my destiny.” - Annie Huang, Shenzhen, China
“As a world traveler, China is now at the top of my queue. A quick-paced read, and insightful.” - Ahmed Atallah, Cairo, Egypt
“This sentence captivated me and I think it was a great prelude to the title: 'A white ghost, and its dark twin, circling together, forever apart, enshrined within a cave, lost in time.'” - Jill Loyet, St. Louis, MO, USA